Thule Urban Glide 1 – Updated Review 2024

Meet the strong Thule Urban Glide Bassinet and the stylish Thule Urban Glide 2 strollers – a practical, lightweight three-wheeled stroller perfect for everyday use, jogging, or sports.

This review covers the stroller’s construction, materials, and overall build quality, as well as its performance on different surfaces and terrains.

Will it Fit your Lifestyle, Car Trunk, Budget, and The Fold?

Thule Urban Glide Bassinet
Thule Urban Glide 1 - Updated Review 2024 13


With a swivel, lockable front wheel, air-filled wheels, and soft rear suspension, the Thule Urban Glide Bassinet offers a smooth ride on any terrain.

The one-handed fold and manual lock make it convenient and portable. Plus, its super-spacious seat and high weight capacity cater to older children.

The Thule Urban Glide Bassinet is designed with both the baby and parent in mind.

Its sleek and modern design allows for easy maneuverability, while its sturdy construction ensures that your baby is safe and secure.

The bassinet can be easily attached to the Thule Urban Glide 2.0 stroller, and it can also be used as a standalone bed.

The bassinet is also equipped with an adjustable canopy that protects it from the sun and wind.

Let’s not waste any time and jump straight into it!

Thule Urban Glide 2

They say that during sex you burn off as many calories as running eight miles. Who the hell runs eight miles in 30 seconds? That’s why you run with the Thule that’s built for speed!

Thule Urban Glide Bassinet
Thule Urban Glide 1 - Updated Review 2024 14

The Thule has a whole bunch of strollers and other items but one that we are looking at is one of their multipurpose stroller: Thule Urban Glide 2.

It is essentially designed to be used as an outdoor jogging stroller but due to the easy maneuverability of the large, front wheel, and its one-hand folding mechanism, it is suitable for everyday life and can easily be folded up and placed into the car.

The Thule Urban Glide 2 is easy on the eyes due to its sleek silver frame and modern material.

Aside from its great look, this jogger is built to last and is strong enough to take a child in an age group of 0,1,2, or 3 and a weight from birth to 22kg.

Overall, the jogger can take a weight of 34kg which means you can still add groceries or a loaded backpack into the shopping basket for your day out.

This jogging stroller will do as the name says: glide. The Thule Urban Glide 2 has rear-wheel suspension which will absorb shock from uneven terrain and assist your little one with taking undisturbed naps.

This stroller’s large, expandable sun canopy ensures that you’re able to enjoy hot and wet times – sunshine and rain. Get your mind out of the gutter!

Although the Thule Urban Glide 2 is heavy and bulky when folded (like most jogging strollers), it has removable wheels which will save space when folded in your vehicle. This is very handy!

The Thule Urban Glide Bassinet is the perfect stroller attachment for parents who are always on the go with their infants.

It boasts a sleek and sturdy design that guarantees your child’s safety and comfort while you navigate busy streets and rough terrains.

If you’re looking for a reliable and convenient stroller attachment that is built to last, the Thule Urban Glide Bassinet might just be what you need.

It is made with high-quality materials that are durable and easy to clean. The mattress pad is machine washable, and the canopy and apron are both removable for easy cleaning.

The bassinet also comes with a storage compartment for diapers, wipes, and other essentials.

Additional accessories that can be purchased for this stroller are an organizer, mesh cover, and snack tray.

In a world with many strollers and joggers to choose from, it can be difficult to decide which one to get, especially considering that most of these options are only suitable for one purpose.

The Thule Urban Glide 2 is the best of both worlds.

Why pick the Thule Urban Glide 2

The Thule is innovative in design, practical, and easy to use.

Most jogging strollers are robust and rough around the edges – mirroring often scenery of the outdoors.

Thule Urban Glide Bassinet
Thule Urban Glide 1 - Updated Review 2024 15

The Thule Urban Glide 2 however, is sleek and stylish. Thule has done an excellent job of bringing together the best of the city life and outdoors.

Some of our favorite features are its one-hand fold, a deacceleration handbrake, a large shopping basket, and its wide range of car seats to choose from that are compatible.

Please note that car seats, adapters, and any other add-on accessories are purchased separately.

Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere. The same can be said of this stroller.

If you love exploring the outdoors, you would like to take up a healthier lifestyle but don’t want to own multiple strollers for your everyday activities, The Thule Urban Glide 2 is for you.

Women only need 3.5 inches to achieve maximum pleasure – it is called a credit card! And you might want to take it out for this bad boy of a stroller. Its value is well worth its price tag, however.

Why pick the Thule Urban Glide Bassinet

There are several reasons why parents may choose the Thule Urban Glide Bassinet 2023. Firstly, its sleek and sturdy design makes it an ideal stroller attachment for navigating busy streets and rough terrains.

Thule Urban Glide Bassinet
Thule Urban Glide 1 - Updated Review 2024 16

The bassinet is also made with high-quality materials that are durable and easy to clean, ensuring that it will last for a long time.

Additionally, the Thule Urban Glide Bassinet is designed with both the baby and parent in mind.

Its adjustable canopy protects from the sun and wind, while the storage compartment allows for easy access to essential items like diapers and wipes.

The bassinet can also be easily attached to the Thule Urban Glide 2.0 stroller or used as a standalone bed, making it a versatile option for parents on the go.

Furthermore, the Thule brand is well-known for its high-quality and reliable products, which gives parents peace of mind when using the Urban Glide Bassinet.

Overall, the Thule Urban Glide Bassinet is a great option for parents who want a sturdy, convenient, and stylish stroller attachment for their infant.

Features & Specifications

Thule Urban Glide Bassinet
Thule Urban Glide 1 - Updated Review 2024 17
Max child weight capacity22 kg
Max stroller weight capacity34 kg
Folded dimensions87 x 69 x 34 cm
Item Weight11.5 kg
Thule Urban Glide 2 | Thule | South Africa

Suspension & Wheels

I was expecting maybe 4 inches, but this stroller gave me so much more! The Urban Glide has 2 large 16″ rear wheels and a swivel front wheel.

Thule Urban Glide Bassinet
Thule Urban Glide 1 - Updated Review 2024 18

The front wheel can be locked into a fixed position to assist with uneven terrain.

The smooth suspension and lightweight design make it perfect for a comfortable run or ride for you and your child.

Due to the wheels and overall suspension, the Thule Urban Glide 2 is perfect for everyday life (indoor and outdoor).

Thule Urban Glide Bassinet vs Uppababy Vista

The Thule Urban Glide Bassinet and the Uppababy Vista are both popular strollers that come with a bassinet option, but they have some differences that set them apart.

Thule Urban Glide Bassinet
Thule Urban Glide 1 - Updated Review 2024 19

The Thule Urban Glide Bassinet is a sleek and strong bassinet that is designed for parents who enjoy outdoor activities with their children.

It can be easily attached to the Thule Urban Glide 2 stroller, making it a versatile option for parents who already own this stroller.

The bassinet features a sunshade with a zippered panel for ventilation and a reclining backrest for the baby’s comfort.

However, it may not have as many features as the Uppababy Vista bassinet, such as a removable and washable liner.

Thule Urban Glide Bassinet
Thule Urban Glide 1 - Updated Review 2024 20

On the other hand, the Uppababy Vista bassinet is part of a versatile stroller that can adapt to various situations. It can be easily attached to the Uppababy Vista stroller, making it a convenient option for parents who own this stroller.

The bassinet features a removable and washable liner, a vented base for breathability, and a pop-out sunshade for sun protection. However, it may not be as suitable for outdoor activities as the Thule Urban Glide Bassinet due to the stroller’s smaller wheels.

Ultimately, the choice between the Thule Urban Glide Bassinet and the Uppababy Vista bassinet depends on the parent’s specific needs and preferences.

If they prioritize a bassinet option for outdoor activities and jogging, the Thule Urban Glide Bassinet may be a better choice.

However, if they need a versatile stroller that can adapt to various situations, the Uppababy Vista bassinet may be a better option.

Thule Urban Glide Bassinet Pros & Cons

Thule Urban Glide Bassinet
Thule Urban Glide 1 - Updated Review 2024 21
Thule Urban Glide Bassinet
Thule Urban Glide 1 - Updated Review 2024 22

The Thule Urban Glide Bassinet Installation

To install the Thule Urban Glide Bassinet on the Thule Urban Glide 2 stroller, follow these steps:

Thule Urban Glide Bassinet
Thule Urban Glide 1 - Updated Review 2024 23
  1. Locate the adapters included with the bassinet and attach them to the frame of the stroller. The adapters will click into place on the designated slots.
  2. Align the bassinet with the adapters, making sure that the connectors are securely in place.
  3. Push down on the bassinet until it clicks into place on the adapters. You should hear an audible click when it is properly secured.
  4. Fasten the safety strap located at the back of the bassinet to the stroller’s frame.
  5. Adjust the canopy and recline the seat to your desired position.

It is important to ensure that the bassinet is properly installed before using it with your baby. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for detailed installation and safety guidelines.

Extra Accessories

Both the Thule Urban Glide and Thule Urban Glide Bassinet have a variety of extra accessories available for purchase to enhance their functionality and convenience.

The Thule Urban Glide accessories include:

  1. Child Tray: A tray that can be attached to the stroller’s frame to hold snacks and drinks for your child.
  2. Console: A storage unit that can be attached to the handlebar to hold your essentials, such as keys, phone, and wallet.
  3. Snack Tray: A tray that can be attached to the child’s tray to hold snacks and drinks for your child.
  4. Rain Cover: A clear cover that can be attached to the stroller to protect your child from rain and wind.
  5. Mesh Cover: A mesh cover that can be attached to the stroller to protect your child from insects and bugs.

The Thule Urban Glide Bassinet accessories include:

  1. Mattress: A replacement or additional mattress for the bassinet.
  2. Sun Shade: A canopy extension that provides additional shade and sun protection for your baby.
  3. Footmuff: A cozy foot cover that keeps your baby warm and comfortable during colder weather.
  4. Rain Cover: A clear cover that can be attached to the bassinet to protect your baby from rain and wind.
  5. Mosquito Net: A mesh cover that can be attached to the bassinet to protect your baby from insects and bugs.

Note that some accessories may be specific to either the stroller or the bassinet and may not be interchangeable.

How To Fold The Thule Urban Glide 2


In conclusion, the Thule Urban Glide 2 and Thule Urban Glide bassinet are great options to consider if you love the outdoors.

Although it is a jogging stroller, it has many features that make this a suitable option for gliding indoors whilst grocery shopping or running a few errands with the baby.

The Thule Urban Glide 2 is a strong, durable, and sophisticated-looking jogging stroller that will tick off all of your boxes.


Is Bob or Thule brand better?

The Bob and Thule are both great options. Both brands allow parents to have a smooth run.
The Thule is best for racing performance whereas the Bob is best for all-terrain.

Is Thule Urban Glide 2 All-Terrain?

Yes, this stroller is an all-terrain stroller with a sleek, lightweight design. This makes it perfect for Urban exploring and for the bumpy roads. Ideal and comfortable for children and energetic parents.

Does the Thule Urban Glide 2 recline?

No, the Urban Glide stroller seat does not recline fully flat, thus it is not suitable for a newborn.
Should you wish to use this stroller for a newborn, it is best to clip a compatible infant car seat onto the stroller to provide better support for a tiny body.

What age can a baby ride in the Thule stroller?

According to Healthline, the minimum age is 6 months to start jogging with your baby.

Is the Thule Urban Glide 2 worth it?

The Thule Urban Glide 2 is the best in class in the jogging stroller category. If you’re an active parent like me, the Thule Urban Glide 2 can handle jogs or walks on all terrains. I found it to be extremely easy to maneuver thanks to the swivel front wheel.

Does the Thule Urban Glide 2 recline?

The seat features infinite recline which means you can lock the backrest at any angle.

Can it be used as a Travel System?

Yes, you can use the Thule as a travel system. Thule has a wide range of other car seat brands and adapters it is compatible with.
Some of these brands include Nuna, Cybex, Maxi-Cosi, Chicco, BOB, Britax, Evenflo, Graco, Peg Perego, Safety 1st, and UPPAbaby.
Thule Urban Glide 2 Newborn: Thule Urban Glide 2 Review shows the stroller can be used from birth to 22kg. Additional accessories such as a bassinette can also be purchased separately.

What is the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double?

The Thule Urban Glide 2 Double is a sturdy jogging stroller for parents with two children. Its adjustable canopy, reclining seats, and air-filled tires make it ideal for various terrains. Safety features include a five-point harness system, foot-activated parking brake, and wrist strap. The stroller has a weight capacity of 100 pounds, making it a reliable and versatile choice for parents who enjoy outdoor activities with their children.

Thule Urban Glide 2 Bassinet Attachments

The Thule Urban Glide 2 Bassinet attaches easily to the Thule Urban Glide 2 stroller using the included adapters. Simply insert the adapters into the slots on the stroller’s frame, align the bassinet with the adapters, push down until it clicks into place, and secure it with the safety strap. Note that the bassinet is only compatible with the Thule Urban Glide 2 stroller and following the manufacturer’s instructions is recommended for safe attachment.

What is the Thule Urban Glide 1?

The Thule Urban Glide 1 is a single-seat stroller designed for active parents who enjoy outdoor activities such as jogging and walking. It features a lightweight and durable frame, large air-filled tires, and adjustable suspension for a smooth ride on various terrains. The stroller has a one-handed fold mechanism for easy storage and transportation, as well as an adjustable canopy with a peek-a-boo window and a multi-position reclining seat for your child’s comfort. Additionally, it has a five-point harness for safety, a foot-activated rear brake, and a storage compartment for your essentials. The Thule Urban Glide 1 has been discontinued and replaced by the Thule Urban Glide 2, which has additional features such as an adjustable handlebar and improved canopy ventilation.

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Thule Urban Glide 2 | Thule | South Africa

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