Bengali Baby Girl Names Starting with R

Bengali baby girl names starting with R are rare and distinctive. The sound is beautiful and packs a powerful message. Listen to the sounds of Radha, Riya, Reena, Ritu, Roshni, and Radhika.

From Ria to Roshni, each name carries its unique meaning and connotation, making it easier to choose the perfect name that resonates with your values and beliefs.

Introduction – Bengali Baby Girl Names Starting with R

Let’s delve into a collection of rare and authentic Bengali baby girl names starting with R and discover the one-of-a-kind name for your bundle of joy.

Key Takeaways

  • Bengali baby girl names starting with R are rare, distinctive, and packed with meaningful significance.
  • Each name has its unique connotation, making it easier to choose the perfect name that resonates with your values and beliefs.
  • Ria, Riya, Roshni, and Rehana are some of the popular Bengali baby girl names starting with R.
  • Choosing a Bengali name for your baby girl can inspire her with the rich cultural heritage of Bengal, whether born a Hindu, Muslim, or Buddhist.
  • By exploring Bengali names starting with R, you can find a one-of-a-kind goddess name that radiates beauty and significance for a lifetime.
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Ria – A Delicate Bengali Name for Girls

When it comes to choosing a name for your little one, you want to find a name that is not only beautiful but also unique.

If you’re looking for a name that fits these criteria, Ria might be the perfect choice for you. Ria is a Bengali name that has a delicate and elegant sound.

The name Ria has its roots in Sanskrit, where it means “small river” or “singer.” This name is perfect for parents who want to give their daughter a name that sounds sweet and graceful.

Among Bengali baby girl names starting with R, Ria stands out for its simple and charming quality. It is a name that is both meaningful and unique.

If you’re searching for distinctive R names for Bengali baby girls, Ria is worth considering.

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In Bengali culture, names carry great significance, and Ria is no exception. It is a name that is sure to inspire your child to explore her creativity and expressiveness.

If you’re looking for a name that celebrates beauty and artistry, Ria is an excellent choice.

Whether you’re drawn to Ria’s musical meaning or its soft and delicate sound, this name is sure to be a wonderful choice for your baby girl.

Consider Ria among other unique Bengali girl names beginning with R, and choose a name that will inspire your little one to reach for the stars.

Here’s another blog you may be interested in for the fairer gender: 100+ Uncommon Bengali Baby Girl Names & Meanings

When it comes to choosing a meaningful name for your baby girl, Riya is a popular option in Bengali culture.

Derived from Sanskrit, this name means “singer” or “melodious,” and it has gained popularity worldwide for its elegant sound and beautiful meaning.

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As an authentic Bengali girl name starting with R, Riya is a distinctive choice for parents seeking a name that is both traditional and modern.

While it is a widely recognized name, it remains distinctive enough to make your child stand out.

One-of-a-kind Bengali girl names starting with R are hard to come by, but Riya offers a perfect balance of uniqueness and familiarity.

Its musical essence and popularity make it an inspiring choice for parents seeking an extraordinary name for their baby girl.

Riya is a perfect name for our little girl. Its meaning is beautiful, its sound is elegant, and it has a rich cultural heritage that we are proud to embrace.” – Parent of a baby girl named Riya.

In Bengali culture, names hold great significance and are chosen with care. Riya is just one example of an authentic and distinctive Bengali baby girl name starting with R.

By choosing a name that honors your cultural heritage, you can give your child a meaningful and unique identity that will stay with them for life.

Rima – A Charming Bengali Name for Girls

Rima is a name that immediately captures the imagination with its exotic sound and evocative meaning.

Derived from Arabic, Rima signifies “white antelope“, which is a symbol of grace, beauty, and gentleness.

If you are looking for distinctive Bengali baby girl names starting with R, Rima is an excellent choice that stands out for its unique qualities.

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What makes Rima a particularly appealing name is its musical quality. With only four letters, it rolls off the tongue with ease and has a charming, sing-song quality.

It is a name that is easy to pronounce and spell, yet still retains a sense of mystery and goddess allure.

While Rima may not be the most common name, it is certainly not unheard of in Bengali culture. Its rarity only adds to its appeal, giving your little girl a truly one-of-a-kind name.

If you are looking for unique Bengali girl names beginning with R, Rima is a great option that will set your child apart.

Another advantage of the name Rima is its versatility. Whether your daughter is outgoing or introverted, artistic or analytical, the name Rima will suit her personality.

It is a name that can be adapted to any individual, making it a wise choice for parents who want to give their child a name that will carry her through life.

Overall, Rima is a captivating name that offers a touch of enchantment to your child’s life.

Its exotic sound, evocative meaning, and musical quality make it a distinctive choice among Bengali baby girl names starting with R.

Interested in more Bengali baby names? Read our other blogs too: Top 259 Punjabi Baby Girls Names: Meaning, A-Z, Sikh, Bengali Girl Names Starting with A – Unique and Rare Names, or 100 Bengali Girl Names – Rare And Unique Names.

Riddhi – A Bengali Name Symbolizing Prosperity and Success

One of the most uncommon and unique names in this category is Riddhi.

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This beautiful name is derived from Sanskrit and signifies “fortune” or “wealth.” It’s a name that has the power to bestow blessings of abundance and success on your little one.

Rare Bengali female names starting with R are hard to come by, which makes Riddhi all the more special. It’s a name that is distinctive and extraordinary, yet not too unconventional.

Riddhi is perfect for parents who want a name that is both traditional and uncommon.

The significance of Riddhi is not limited to its meaning. The name also has a melodic sound that is pleasing to the ear.

When spoken aloud, it rolls off the tongue with ease and grace. It’s a name that is both elegant and powerful, just like the qualities it embodies.

Bengali girl names beginning with R run the gamut from simple and understated to unique and exotic. Riddhi falls somewhere in between, offering the perfect balance of meaning and melody.

It’s a name that is sure to stand out and make an impression, while still feeling timeless and classic.

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Distinctive R names for Bengali baby girls are becoming increasingly popular as parents seek out names that are meaningful and unique.

Riddhi is a prime example of this trend, offering a name that is both authentic and memorable.

Overall, Riddhi is an extraordinary goddess Bengali name that is rich in meaning and significance. It’s a name that symbolizes prosperity and success and embodies elegance and grace.

For parents seeking a meaningful and uncommon name for their baby girl, Riddhi is an excellent choice.

Rina – A Simple and Elegant Bengali Name for Girls

Rina is a timeless Bengali name that exudes simplicity and elegance. It is derived from Sanskrit and means “melted” or “dissolved.”

With its understated beauty and meaningful origin, Rina is a less common but equally remarkable choice for parents seeking a name that is both classic and distinctive.

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Unlike some of the more unique Bengali names, Rina has a simplicity that makes it easy to pronounce and spell.

This name doesn’t have any hidden meanings or complicated pronunciations, making it a perfect choice for parents who value straightforwardness and ease of use.

What makes Rina truly special is its subtlety. While it may not be as flashy as some of the other Bengali names, Rina’s gentle charm is impossible to ignore.

It’s a name that carries with it a sense of calm and tranquility, making it a fitting choice for parents who want to give their child a name that embodies peacefulness.

Rina’s meaning

The name Rina is derived from Sanskrit, where it means “melted” or “dissolved.” This name is often associated with water, as it can signify the melting of ice or the dissolving of salt.

Some interpretations suggest that the name Rina could also mean “queen” or “ruler,” adding a regal goddess touch to this otherwise minimalistic name.

Similar Bengali girl names starting with R:

RitikaAuspicious stone

While Rina may not be as well-known as some of the other Bengali names, it is a beautiful choice for parents seeking a name that is both authentic and unique.

By choosing Rina, you can give your child a name that will stand out without being too showy, and that will carry with it a sense of timelessness and grace.

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Ritu – A Bengali Name Celebrating the Seasons

Ritu is a beautiful Bengali name that celebrates the changing seasons. Derived from Sanskrit, it signifies “season” or “time.”

With its connection to nature and its poetic essence, Ritu is a unique choice for parents who appreciate the beauty and rhythm of life’s cycles.

For Bengalis, Ritu holds a special place in their hearts, not only for its meaning but also for its cultural significance.

In Bengal, the changing seasons are a cause for celebration and joy, with each season bringing its unique set of festivals and traditions.

Bengali baby girl names starting with R are abundant, but Ritu stands out for its one-of-a-kind significance.

While other Bengali names signify time, none quite embodies the essence of the seasons quite like Ritu does.

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If you’re looking for unique Bengali girl names beginning with R, Ritu is an excellent choice. While it may be less common than some of the more popular Bengali names, it exudes a sense of elegance and refinement that is hard to match.

To celebrate the beauty of Ritu and all that it represents, consider giving your little one this meaningful and distinctive name.

Roshni – A Radiant Bengali Name for Girls

Roshni is a beautiful and rare Bengali name for baby girls that emanates brightness and light. Derived from Urdu, this name signifies “light” or “illumination.”

With its uplifting nature and powerful symbolism, Roshni is a distinctive choice for parents seeking a name that embodies the beauty and positivity of life.

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One of the rare Bengali female names starting with R, Roshni is a unique and extraordinary choice for parents who want to give their baby girl a name that stands out from the rest.

This name has a poetic essence and an alluring sound that captures attention and imagination.

If you’re looking for a name that is both authentic and distinctive, Roshni is a perfect choice.

It celebrates the beauty of light and inspires hope and positivity, making it a meaningful name for your little one.

Still not sure and need some more Bengali baby name ideas? Try Bengali Girl Names Starting with S – Complete Guide or Bengali Girl Names Starting with B.

Rehana – A Bengali Name Signifying Fragrance and Sweetness

Rehana is a charming Bengali name that embodies sweetness and a captivating aroma. It is a perfect name for parents who want a unique name for their little girl.

The name Rehana is of Arabic origin and means “scented” or “sweet-smelling.”

It is an authentic Bengali name that is ideal for parents seeking a distinctive name for their baby girl.

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Rehana is an excellent option for parents looking for authentic Bengali girl names that begin with the letter R. It is an unusual name that is not commonly heard, yet it possesses a graceful and melodic sound.

If you’re searching for a one-of-a-kind name that exudes beauty, charm, and elegance, Rehana is an excellent choice.

It will make your little girl stand out from the crowd and remain unforgettable.

What does the name Rehana mean?

The name Rehana signifies fragrance and sweetness. It is a name that has a beautiful meaning and origin. The name is derived from the Arabic word “rahana,” which means “scented” or “fragrant.”

If you want to give your baby girl a name that symbolizes beauty, elegance, and grace, Rehana is a perfect choice.

It is a name that will inspire your daughter to be sweet and charming throughout her life.

Why is Rehana an authentic Bengali girl name?

Rehana is an authentic Bengali girl name because it has been used in Bengali culture for generations. The name has its roots in Arabic but has been assimilated into Bengali culture over time.

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It is a unique and distinctive name that will make your little girl stand out from the crowd. If you want to give your baby girl a name that is both authentic and rare, Rehana is an excellent choice.

Authentic Bengali nameMay be difficult for some people to pronounce
Graceful and melodic soundNot as common as some other Bengali names
Symbolizes fragrance and sweetnessMay be mis

If you’re looking for an authentic and distinctive Bengali name that begins with the letter R, Rehana is an excellent choice.


In conclusion, choosing the perfect name for your baby girl can be an exciting and meaningful experience.

By selecting from Bengali baby names starting with the letter R, you can honor the rich cultural heritage of Bengal and provide your little one with a name that is both unique and significant.

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Bengali Baby Girl Names Starting With R 27

The selection of Bengali baby girl names starting with R that we have explored in this article includes authentic, rare, and distinctive names like Roshni, Rina, and Rehana that symbolize positivity, elegance, and sweetness.

Whether you prefer traditional or modern names, these Bengali girl names starting with R offer a wide variety of options that can inspire you and your family.

By choosing a name that resonates with meaning and beauty, you can give your baby girl a gift that will last a lifetime.

But wait, there’s more: don’t forget to check out Bengali Boy Names 2023: Unique, Meaningful And Modern & Best Uncommon Bengali Baby Boy Names of 2023.


What girl’s name starts with R?

Radha, Riya, Reena, Ritu, Roshni, and Radhika.

What is a rare R name?

A rare Indian girl’s name starting with “R” is Ruveer. While names can vary in popularity and recognition, Ruveer is not as common and carries a unique and distinctive sound. Keep in mind that the perception of rarity can vary across different regions and communities.

What is the meaning of Ria?

Ria is derived from Sanskrit and means “small river” or “singer.”

What does the name Riya signify?

Riya originates from Sanskrit and signifies “singer” or “melodious.”

What is the meaning of the name Rima?

Rima is derived from Arabic and means “white antelope.”

What does the name Riddhi symbolize?

Riddhi is a Bengali name that symbolizes prosperity and success.

What is the meaning of the name Rina?

Rina is derived from Sanskrit and means “melted” or “dissolved.”

What does the name Ritu celebrate?

Ritu is a Bengali name that celebrates the changing seasons.

What is the meaning of the name Roshni?

Roshni is derived from Urdu and means “light” or “illumination.”

What does the name Rehana signify?

Rehana is a Bengali name that symbolizes fragrance and sweetness.

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100+ Uncommon Bengali Baby Girl Names and Their Meanings
100 Bengali Girl Names – Rare And Unique Names
Bengali Girl Names Starting with A – Unique and Rare Names
Best Uncommon Bengali Baby Boy Names of 2023
Bengali Girl Names Starting with B
Bengali Girl Names Starting with S – Complete Guide


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